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Discover the Amazing Benefits of Slippery Elm

SLIPPERY ELM Supplements – SLIPPERY ELM Bark Powder: Click here:

In this video you will learn why slippery elm is such an important natural remedy and benefit little known benefits of slippery elm.

Slippery Elm is a natural medicine that been used has been for centuries, although the medical community has only recently started to acknowledge the traditional claims of its many health benefits. From relieving symptoms of digestive and respiratory problems to soothing irritated skin; there are lots of things to know about the healing powers of Slippery Elm.

Slippery Elm is a medium sized tree native to America and Canada. The tree can be described as having an umbrella like shape, due to the branches growing from a single trunk. They have dark green veined leaves.  It has reddish, furrowed brown bark and the inner bark has a sticky sap. The Slippery Elm tree also gets purplish buds when it flowers.

So now let’s begin our countdown of 10 things you should know about slippery elm.

10. Slippery Elm has been part of ancient Native American culture for centuries

The bark of the Slippery Elm has long been used in Native American medicine. The inner bark of branches would be peeled and used as a remedy for many different aliments such as fever, wounds, sore throats and dysentery. Additionally it has also been used to reduce inflammation and has been used on the skin for problems like eczema and psoriasis.

9. The parts of the Slippery Elm which are used and in various forms

You can get Slippery Elm in a variety of different forms. Tablets, capsules and lozenges are easy to take. You can also get the finely powdered bark for making teas or extracts. Coarsely powdered bark is used for making poultices.

So now that you have been introduced to Slippery Elm and how it was used in traditional medicine and the different forms that are available, let’s discuss some ailments that Slippery Elm can provide relief for and also the good health benefits of Slippery Elm. 

8. Slippery Elm Is used to treat digestive ailments

Slippery Elm helps to strengthen and soothe the inflamed or irritated lining of the colon.  The mucilage found in Slippery Elm coats the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to protect it from damage caused by acid reflux or other digestive problems. It also contains antioxidants that help relieve inflammatory bowel conditions.

Slippery Elm causes reflux stimulation of nerve endings in the gastrointestinal tract which encourages mucus secretion. This mucus production may protect the gastrointestinal tract from ulcers and excess acidity.  It can therefore ease diarrhoea and help with constipation. Slippery Elm can be used to treat other digestive issues such as heartburn and Crohn’s Disease.

It also can improve symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  Taking tablets with Slippery Elm can help with travel sickness. Our mental health is largely tied in with our digestive system. So the use of Slippery Elm can reduce anxiety and stress.

7. It Can Help Improve Symptoms of Respiratory Problems

Slippery Elm is beneficial for respiratory issues. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Slippery Elm can help to reduce inflammation in the airways, making breathing easier.  For a sore throat and cough Slippery Elm helps stop the cough reflex by forming a protective and soothing layer around the irritated mucous membranes of the throat.  This can provide relief for laryngitis and tonsillitis. Additionally, a hot tea made with Slippery Elm bark may help to soothe a sore throat and provide relief from coughing and congestion.

By the way, if you are interested in using Slippery Elm, be sure to check the links in the Description (insert down arrow) for the best places to obtain Slippery Elm online.

6. Urinary tract infections

Slippery Elm can ease inflammation of the urinary tract and bladder infections. It soothes the lining of the urinary tract. Drinking a tea or tincture of Slippery Elm can lessen the pain caused by the inflammation and calm the irritation of the infection. As a mild diuretic it helps increase the flow of urine and this can flush away the build-up of bacteria in the urinary tract.

5. Slippery elm can be used for skin problems

Slippery Elm contains immune protective properties and is therefore used in salves for wounds, boils, ulcers, burns, cold sores and skin inflammation. The mucilage in Slippery Elm can provide relief to dry skin.

Slippery Elm when mixed with Marshmallow and Burdock can be placed on a boil to make it form a head.  To draw up a splinter you can mix some Slippery Elm tincture in unscented cream to apply or be used in a poultice for 24 hours. Ointments that contain Slippery Elm can be used to soothe wounds and burns.

4. It contains beneficial substances such as Tannins, Vitamins, and Minerals

Slippery Elm is well known for its strong healing properties, and this is because it contains a variety of beneficial substances. It is rich in tannins, which are compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Additionally, it also provides vitamins like vitamin C and minerals like zinc, iron, potassium, manganese and calcium. All these things help your body stay healthy and function properly! Slippery Elm can be used as a food and it is very nutritious; it can be mixed with milk and is easily digested by those with sensitive stomachs.

So we have established that Slippery Elm has some really good healing properties but now there are some important things to still keep in mind.

3. How to store Slippery Elm

Storing a supplement properly is important. They should be kept in a cool dry place. Do not leave in direct sunlight and they should not be exposed to big fluctuations in temperature. Slippery Elm can be stored outside of the refrigerator. Keep supplements away from pets and small children. Throw away old or expired supplements.

2. Dosages and possible side effects of Slippery Elm

There are no standard guidelines for the dosage and use of Slippery Elm. As with any supplement it would be beneficial to take such factors as a user’s age, health and any medical conditions into consideration. You should however talk to your health practitioner who should be able to advise you and ensure that the supplement and dosage are appropriate for you. It is safest not to take more than is recommended on a product label. 

Herbs can be very beneficial but they can also have side effects. You could develop an allergic reaction or skin irritation when using creams made with Slippery Elm. Taking too much Slippery Elm can increase the chances of having side effects. Slippery Elm is not thought to be toxic and it is considered to be a reasonably safe supplement to take.

1. Precautions and possible interactions

It is vital that when you take herbal medicine you consult with a health care provider that has studied alternative medicine and take precautions. It is very important to read the ingredients and nutrition facts of a supplement and know which ingredients are used and how much is included.

Do not take any herbs orally if you are pregnant or breast feeding unless you have received medical advice. There is also a claim that Slippery Elm could cause a miscarriage. So far there is no conclusive evidence of Slippery Elm interacting with any other medications.

Because of its mucilage Slippery Elm might slow down the absorption and therefore the effectiveness of other drugs or herbs. If you take Slippery Elm too close to other medications, your body might not properly use the medication as intended. It is always important to discuss taking supplements and medicines with your health practitioner.

In Conclusion

There are still many studies being conducted about the use of Slippery Elm in the treatment of various health problems. While health problems such as psoriasis currently have no cure there are indications that Slippery Elm may be beneficial.

In another study Slippery Elm when combined with other herbs such as Burdock, Indian Rhubarb and Sheep Sorrel have been thought to improve the symptoms of breast cancer. There is still much research to be investigated as to whether the use of Slippery Elm is safe and effective.

There are also many studies to be conducted of the benefits of Slippery Elm and hopefully this will shed more light on one of nature’s provisions. Slippery Elm is a natural item that has been used for centuries in traditional and natural medicine and it continues to be used as an alternative medicine. It can provide relief for many different aliments.

So next time you are looking for some natural relief think about and talk to your health care provider about the benefits of Slippery Elm.

A reminder, be sure to check the links in the Description for the best places to obtain Slippery Elm online.